Things To Know About Integrated Logistics


Recently, one concept has dominated the issues in this field: that of integrated logistics. In the past, it was common for this sector to operate independently — that is, the logistics in wicker park logistics took place separately, and its steps were carried out separately.

However, new business needs have changed this landscape. This new approach focuses on integrating several steps to build a single result with more excellent added value.

The main advantages of this new feature are increased control, productivity, and efficiency — integrated logistics generate better and more satisfactory results. For this to be possible, some of the points that must be observed are:

Communication Management And Alignment

There is no logistical integration without different professionals and sectors communicating correctly. This exchange of information generates value, improves results, and builds differentiated and positive effects.

So, it all starts with an alignment of communication. All sectors must understand the logistical objectives and challenges of the enterprise. It is also necessary to establish information exchange flows and create channels that allow for complete interaction.

Integration Between Sectors

From this initial alignment, it is necessary to move towards the integration itself. To do this, the idea is to create workflows and tasks so that all requirements are met. In the case of international deliveries, for example, there are Incoterms.

It is a set of established norms regarding the international transport of products, determining the person responsible and the steps to follow. For everything to be done as required, all sectors will need to play a role — from production and warehousing to delivery. The creation of a structured flow makes scripted performance viable.

Information Centralization

At the same time, everyone needs to know the effects of their actions and what is still a challenge. Because of this, the idea is to promote the centralization of information. All data must be gathered in one place to facilitate its use and make knowledge about integrated logistics democratic.

With integrated management software, for example, the stock sector can check data from the purchasing area and vice versa. Thus, everyone starts to speak the same language, improving the results.

Creating A Value Chain

More than just joining processes and creating a workflow, a value chain is highly recommended to establish. In other words, each step must add value to logistical quality, leading to a positive accumulation of results.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider what must be done so that the value chain becomes a reality. It is a case of continually seeking ways to increase integration between sectors and use metrics and indicators to guide action.

The idea is to form a competent structure to meet the company’s interests and customer requirements.

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